The Remembering Stone
27may2:00 pm2:45 pmThe Remembering Stonewith Carey Sookocheff2:00 pm - 2:45 pm(GMT-04:00)
Event Details
Join author/illustrator Carey Sookocheff for a fun activity using stones to create and draw images of the people we love most.
Event Details
Join author/illustrator Carey Sookocheff for a fun activity using stones to create and draw images of the people we love most.
The Remembering Stone
Carey Sookocheff
Alice keeps a perfectly round skipping stone in her pocket to remember her grandfather by — but the stone goes missing.
It looked just like a regular stone, but Alice knew it was different: It was perfectly round so you could use it to trace circles, and sometimes she could trick her dad into thinking it was a quarter. It was also how Alice remembered her grandpa, who taught her how to skip stones, and who passed away last winter.
Alice brings the stone to school for Show and Share, but when her classmate asks to see it again at recess, Alice discovers that the stone is gone! Her friends search high and low and can’t find the stone—but their friendship gives Alice an idea of another way that she can remember.
A gentle look at loss, grief, and how small everyday actions can connect us to those we love.

Speakers for this event
Carey Sookocheff
Carey Sookocheff
Carey Sookocheff is a picture book illustrator and author with over a dozenbooks to her credit, including The Remembering Stone (GroundwoodBooks) and Lost Things (Kids Can Press). Carey also teaches in the Bachelorof Illustration program at Sheridan College. Although she grew up on theCanadian prairies, she now lives in Toronto with her family and theirexuberant dog Rosie.