The Boy Who Cried Poop!
28may3:00 pm3:45 pmThe Boy Who Cried Poop!with Alessandra Requena3:00 pm - 3:45 pm(GMT-04:00)
Event Details
Join in for this affirming circle time, with music and movement for little readers with Alessandra Requena!
Event Details
Join in for this affirming circle time, with music and movement for little readers with Alessandra Requena!
The Boy Who Cried Poop!
Alessandra Requena
A father is just trying to take his kids for a refreshing swim in the pool, but every time they jump in…
By the time they get to the bathroom: “I don’t need to go anymore!” Sound familiar?
Back and forth, back and forth they go. “Just poop already!” yells the big sister.
Until finally, the little brother… does. Oops!
Based on true events in the real life of one unfortunate little brother…
A laugh-out-loud story with heart, because when you gotta go, you gotta go!
