Dear Street
27may3:00 pm3:45 pmDear Streetwith Lindsay Zier-Vogel3:00 pm - 3:45 pm(GMT-04:00)
Event Details
Join author Lindsay Zier-Vogel for a reading of her debut picture book, Dear Street, based on her internationally-acclaimed Love Lettering Project, followed by an activity where we will
Event Details
Join author Lindsay Zier-Vogel for a reading of her debut picture book, Dear Street, based on her internationally-acclaimed Love Lettering Project, followed by an activity where we will write place-based love letters to our city!
Dear Street
Lindsay Zier-Vogel
A girl shares her love for her neighborhood, and finds that love multiplies.
Alice loves her street. But others, “Grumble, grumble, more construction, grumble,” don’t agree. So Alice writes her street a love letter, which she leaves for someone to find. As Alice encounters people grumbling about other things – the park, falling leaves, the snow – she writes those thing love letters, too, and leaves them to be found. Then, one day, when Alice herself is grumbling, she discovers a letter someone else has written to the spring crocuses. And Alice feels the joy she’s been spreading come back to her!
A timely message for kids everywhere: showing gratitude changes perspectives and lifts spirits!

Speakers for this event
Lindsay Zier-Vogel
Lindsay Zier-Vogel
Lindsay Zier-Vogel is a Toronto-based author, grant writer, educator and the founder of the internationally-acclaimed Love Lettering Project. She is the author of the acclaimed debut novel, Letters to Amelia and her work has been published widely in Canada and the UK. Dear Street is Lindsay’s first picture book.