First Nation Communities READ: Indigenous Literature Award

26sep1:00 pm2:00 pmFirst Nation Communities READ: Indigenous Literature AwardAwards presentation1:00 pm - 2:00 pm(GMT-04:00)

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Join us as the selected authors in each category (Children’s and YA/Adult) are presented with their PMC Indigenous Literature Awards – come and help us celebrate and support Indigenous literature!

First Nation Communities READ was launched in 2003 by the First Nations Public Library Community in Ontario with support from the Ontario Library Service.

  • Encourages family literacy, intergenerational storytelling, and intergenerational information sharing;
  • Increases awareness of the relevance and importance of First Nation, Métis, and Inuit writing, illustration, and publishing;
  • Promotes the publication, sharing, and understanding of First Nation, Métis, and Inuit voices and experiences;
  • Increases awareness and sales of the titles it honours.

The Periodical Marketers of Canada Indigenous Literature Award is inspired by the goals of the First Nation Communities READ program. It will provide each of the authors of the First Nation Communities READ 2020-2021 title selections with a $5,000 prize. This is the eighth year the Periodical Marketers of Canada has presented The PMC Indigenous Literature Award.

Children’s Category Shortlist

  • When We Are Kind by Monique Gray Smith, illus. by Nicole Neidhardt (Orca Books)
  • Swift Fox All Along by Rebecca Thomas (Annick Press)
  • Kits, Cubs, and Calves: An Arctic Summer by Suzie Napayok-Short (Inhabit Media)
  • I Am Loved by Mary and Kevin Qumaniq-Mason (Inhabit Media)
  • It’s a Mitig! by Bridget George (Douglas and McIntyre)
  • How I Survived: Four Nights on the Ice by Serrapio Ittusardjuat (Inhabit Media)
  • Siha Tooskin Knows the Strength of His Hair by Charlene and Wilson Bearhead (Portage and Main Press)
  • Raven Squawk, Orca Squeak by Robert Budd, illus. by Roy Henry Vickers (Harbour Publishing)

Young Adult/Adult Category Shortlist

  • Ghost Lake by Nathan Adler (Kegedonce Press)
  • Genocidal Love: A Life after Residential School by Bevann Fox. (University of Regina Press)
  • Orange Shirt Day by Phyllis Web and Joan Sorley (Medicine Wheel Education)
  • Five Little Indians by Michelle Good. (HarperCollins Canada)
  • Black Water by David Robertson. (HarperCollins Canada)


Presented by First Nation Communities READ